A Community Health Needs Assessment (sometimes called a CHNA ), also known as a Community Health Assessment (sometimes called a CHA), refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through a systematic and comprehensive process of data collection and analysis.
Benefits of a CHNA as a baseline include
​Improved organizational and community coordination and collaboration
Increased knowledge about public health and the interconnectedness of activities
Strengthened partnerships within state and local public health systems
Identified strengths and weaknesses to address in quality improvement efforts
Baselines on performance to use in preparing for accreditation
Benchmarks for public health practice improvements
Listed steps for Assessment and Planning Framework (CDC)
Organize and Plan
Engage the community
Develop a goal or vision
Conduct community health assessments
Prioritize health issues (dependent on CHNA)
Develop community health improvement plan (should be specific and take into consideration the findings of the CHNA(s))
Implement and monitor plan
Evaluate processes and outcomes